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Eran Agmon
Eran Agmon, Principal Investigator
Eran is an Assistant Professor at the Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling at the University of Connecticut Health Center. His research involves leveraging software methods to combine multi-omics datasets and diverse modeling methods to generate integrative multi-scale simulations of cellular ecosystems that span molecular to multi-cellular and environmental scales.
Google Scholar
Amin Boroomand
Amin Boroomand, Postdoc
Amin is a computational biologist at the Agmon lab. Awarded a fellowship from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, he studies metabolic interactions in marine microbiomes through multi-scale modeling to improve understanding of ocean carbon cycling. Amin received his Ph.D. in Quantitative and Systems Biology with a focus on complexity and agent-based modeling from the University of California, Merced. Beyond academia, Amin is passionate about science communication and entrepreneurship and has a penchant for stand-up comedy.
Amin Boroomand
Arnab Mutsuddy, Postdoc
About Arnab
Edwin Appiah
Edwin Appiah, PhD Student (Biomedical Sciences)
Prior Education: Bsc. Agricultural Biotechnology (KNUST, Ghana), Mphil. Biodata Analytics and Computational Genomics (KNUST, Ghana) Research interest: Edwin is a PhD student in Biomedical Science at UConn health. Before joining UConn, Edwin studied how the gastric microbiome influences gastric carcinogenesis focusing on bacterial diversity, co-occurrence pattern and predictive models, which heightened his research interest in microbiome and health. Currently, Edwin continues to explore his research interest in microbiome at the Agmon lab, with a focus on building multi-scale computational models for the gut microbiome. Edwin loves to play or watch soccer during his leisure time.
Jayde Schlesener
Jayde Schlesener, Bridge-to-PhD student
Jayde is a C-CoMP research fellow and bridge-to-PhD student through Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute working at the Agmon lab. Here she hopes to gain research experience analyzing data from marine microbes and their involvement in the oceanic biological pump. She graduated with her B.S. in Microbiology with a minor in Chemistry from the University of Kansas and worked in a freshwater ecology lab looking at biogeochemical processes in intermittent streams during her undergrad. Jayde has plans to attend graduate school following her research fellowship continuing her work on marine environments.
Isha Mendiratta
Isha Mendiratta, Undergraduate researcher
Isha is an undergraduate at UConn Storrs.
Isha Mendiratta
Colin Slavin, Undergraduate researcher
Colin is an undergraduate at UConn Storrs.
Isha Mendiratta
Alex Patrie, Software Developer
Alex is developing the Biosimulations framework.

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