Reproducibility Center Renewal

We are pleased to announce the renewal of the NIH Center for Reproducible Biomedical Modeling, With Eran Agmon as a Co-Lead Investigator focused on model and simulation composition. Nearly $6 million will be provided by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering to continue the work of the Center. This is a unique collaborative, multi-institutional project, with leading investigators at the University of Connecticut (Ion Moraru, Eran Agmon), University of Wisconsin-Madison (Elebeoba May), the University of Auckland (David Nickerson) and the UW Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education (John Gennari), as well as the UW eScience Institute (Joseph Hellerstein). The goal of the center is to improve multi-scale and integrative modeling of biomedical systems that can support precision medicine and credible predictive models for biomedicine. The center aims to CURE these models by making them credible, understandable, reproducible, and extensible.

Written on April 26, 2024